4th Conference on Oxidation Technologies for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Special topic: Recalcitrant and anthropogenic micropollutants. 15-17 May 2006. Conference-Hotel “Achtermann”, Goslar, Germany. http://www.cutec.de/aop4.php
13th International Symposium on Concentrating Solar Power and Chemical Energy Technologies. June 20-23, 2006. Seville, Spain. http://www.solarpaces2006.com/
Environmental Applications of Advanced Oxidation Processes (EAAOP) First European Conference. Chania, 7-9 September 2006. http://www.enveng.tuc.gr/conf/eaaop.htm
4th European Meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (SPAIN), 8-10 November 2006. http://www.cidia.ulpgc.es/spea4/spea4.php
4th European Conference on Pesticides and Related Organic Micropollutants in the Environment and 10th Symposium on the Chemistry and Fate of Modern Pesticides 26th-29th November 2006. Almería, Spain. http://www.ual.es/Congresos/conference2006/