I. Oller; S. Malato; J. A. Sánchez-Pérez; M. I. Maldonado; R. Gassó; "Detoxification of wastewater containing five common pesticides by solar AOPs-biological coupled system". Catalysis Today 129 (2007) 69-78.
P. Fernández-Ibáñez; S. Malato; J. Tello; J. A. Sánchez-Pérez; A. M. Amat, "Eliminación de fitopatógenos y de contaminantes en agua mediante fotocatálisis solar". Tecno-Ambiente, 172, 2007.
A. Arqués, A. M. Amat, L. Santos-Juanes, R. F. Vercher, M. L. Marín, M. A. Miranda. "Sepiolites as supporting material for organic sensitisers employed in heterogeneous solar photocatalysis". Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 271 (2007) 221-226.
A. Arqués, A. M. Amat, L. Santos-Juanes, R. F. Vercher, M. L. Marín, M. A. Miranda. "2,4,6-Triphenylthiapyrylium cation as homogeneous solar photocatyst". Catalysis Today 129 (2007) 37-42.
M. L. Marín, A. Miguel, L. Santos-Juanes, A. Arqués, A. M. Amat, M. A. Miranda. "Involvement of triplet excited states in the electron transfer photodegradation of cinnamic acids unsing pyrylium and thiapyrylium salts as photocatalysis". Photochemical & Photobiological Sciencies, (2007), 6, 848-852.
M. M. Ballesteros Martín; J. A. Sánchez Pérez; F. G. Acién Fernández; J. L. Casas López; A. M. García-Ripoll; A. Arqués, I. Oller; S. Malato Rodríguez, "Combined photo-Fenton and biological oxidation for pesticide degradation: Effect of photo-treated intermediates on biodegradation kinetics". Chemosphere 70 (2008) 1476-1483.
M. M. Ballesteros Martín, J. A. Sánchez Pérez, F. G. Acién Fernández, J. L. García Sánchez, J. L. Casas López, S. Malato Rodríguez. "A kinetics study on the biodegradation of synthetic wastewater simulating effluent from an advanced oxidation process using Pseudomonas putida CECT 324". Journal of Hazardous Materials 151 (2008) 780-788.
M. I. Maldonado; S. Malato; W. Gernjak; P. Fernández; A. Zapata; C. Sirtori. "Tratamiento de aguas residuales mediante tecnologías de oxidación solar avanzada: estado del tema y proyectos en marcha nacionales y de la Unión Europea". Retema 124 (2008) 38-44.
M. M. Ballesteros Martín; J. A. Sánchez Pérez; J. L. García Sánchez; L. Montes de Oca; J. L. Casas López; I. Oller; S. Malato Rodríguez. "Degradation of alachlor and pyrimethanil by combined photo-Fenton and biological oxidation". Journal of Hazardous Materials 155 (2008) 342-349.
A. García Ripoll; A. M. Amat; A. Arqués; R. Vicente; M. M. Ballesteros Martín; J. A. Sánchez Pérez; I. Oller; S. Malato. "Confirming Pseudomonas putida as a reliable bioassay for demonstrating biocompatibility enhancement by solar photo-oxidative processes of a biorecalcitrant effluent". Journal of Hazardous Materials 162 (2009) 1223-1227.
M.M. Ballesteros Martín; J.A. Sánchez Perez; J.L. Casas López; I. Oller; S. Malato Rodríguez; "Degradation of a four-pesticide mixture by combined photo-Fenton and biological oxidation". Water Research 43 (2009) 653–660.
A.M. Amat; A. Arqués; A. García-Ripoll; L. Santos-Juanes; R. Vicente, I. Oller, M.I. Maldonado; S. Malato; "A reliable monitoring of the biocompatibility of an effluent along an oxidative pre-treatment by sequential bioassays and chemical analyses". Water Research 43 (2009) 784 –792.
A. Zapata; T. Velegraki; J. A. Sánchez-Pérez; D. Mantzavinos; M. I. Maldonado; S. Malato; "Solar photo-Fenton treatment of pesticides in water: Effect of iron concentration on degradation and assesment of ecotoxicity and biodegradability". Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 88 (2009) 448-454.
A. Zapata; I. Oller; E. Bizani; J. A. Sánchez-Pérez; M. I. Maldonado; S. Malato; "Evaluation of operational parameters involved in solar photo-Fenton degradation of a commercial pesticide mixture". Catalysis Today 144 (2009) 94-99.
M. M. Ballesteros Martín; J. A. Sánchez Pérez; J. L. García Sánchez, J. L. Casas López; S. Malato Rodríguez; "Effect of pesticide concentration on the degradation process by combined solar photo-Fenton and biological treatment". Water Research 43 (2009) 3838-3848
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