Dr. Sixto Malato

Profesor de Investigación de O.P.I.
Tel: +34950387940
Email: sixto.malato@psa.es

ORCID: 0000-0002-8085-4318

Unidad de Tratamientos Solares de Aguas
Plataforma Solar de Almería
Carretera de Senés, km 4
Tabernas, E-04200 Almería

Líneas de investigación

Su labor científica ha estado fundamentalmente relacionada con Proyectos de I+D centrados en la descontaminación de aguas mediante procesos de oxidación avanzada. Ha coordinado o participado en 38 Proyectos y Redes Nacionales y 32 Proyectos Internacionales (3rd-7th, H2020 EU Framework Programmes) relacionados con el desarrollo de Tecnologías Solares para el tratamiento de aguas residuales industriales y reutilización de agua industrial y municipal, así como la producción fotocatalítica de hidrógeno.

Breve CV

Co-autor de más de 60 capítulos de libros. Co-autor de más de 320 publicaciones en revistas científicas internacionales con índice de impacto, 5 patentes, y mas de 380 contribuciones a Congresos y Simposios internacionales. Además, ha participado como profesor en múltiples cursos nacionales e internacionales relacionados con el Tratamiento Avanzado de Aguas Residuales y dirigido 20 Tesis Doctorales. Más de 30000 citas desde 1996. Scopus h-index: 92. En el estudio bibliometrico reconocido internacionalmente "Updated science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators" (Stanford University, Agosto 2024) aparece en la posición 273 de los 3500 investigadores españoles más citados.

  • Editor asociado de Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, Environmental Chemistry Letters. Miembro de Comité editorial de Catalysis Today.
  • Premio Jaime I de Protección del Medio Ambiente, 2011. (http://www.fvea.es/medioambiente.html).
  • Co-Director de Centro de Investigación de la Energía Solar (CIESOL, http://www.ciesol.es)


  1. L. Rizzo, W. Gernjak, P. Krzeminski, S. Malato, C. S. McArdell, J. A. Sanchez Perez, H. Schaar, D. Fatta-Kassinos. Best available technologies and treatment trains to address current challenges in urban wastewater reuse for irrigation of crops in EU countries. Science of the Total Environment, 710, 136312, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=7.963 (25/274 Env. Sci.)
  2. A. Cabrera Reina, S. Miralles-Cuevas, L. Cornejo, L. Pomares, J. Polo, I. Oller, S. Malato. The influence of location on solar photo-Fenton: Process performance, photoreactor scaling-up and treatment cost. Renewable Energy, 145, 1890-1900, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=8.001 (16/114 Energy & Fuels)
  3. G. Cerreta, M. A. Roccamante, P. Plaza-Bolaños, I. Oller, A. Aguera, S. Malato, L. Rizzo. Advanced treatment of urban wastewater by UV-C/free chlorine process: Micro-pollutants removal and effect of UV-C radiation on trihalomethanes formation. Water Research, 169, 115220, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=11.236 (6/274 Env. Sci.)
  4. A. Cabrera-Reina, S. Miralles-Cuevas, I. Oller, J.A. Sánchez-Pérez, S. Malato. Modeling persulfate activation by iron and heat for the removal of contaminants of emerging concern using carbamazepine as model pollutant. Chemical Engineering Journal, 389, 124445, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=13.273 (4/143 Chem. Eng)
  5. E. P. Costa, M. Roccamante, C. C. Amorim, I. Oller, J. A. Sánchez Pérez, S. Malato. New trend on open solar photoreactors to treat micropollutants by photo-Fenton at circumneutral pH: Increasing optical pathway. Chemical Engineering Journal, 385, 123982, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=13.273 (4/143 Chem. Eng)
  6. S. Nahim-Granados, G. Rivas-Ibañez, J. A. Sanchez Perez, I. Oller, S. Malato, M. I. Polo-Lopez. Synthetic fresh-cut wastewater disinfection and decontamination by ozonation at pilot scale. Water Research, 170, 115304, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=11.236 (6/274 Env. Sci.)
  7. I. Salmerón, I. Oller, S. Malato. Electro-oxidation process assisted by solar energy for the treatment of wastewater with high salinity. Science of the Total Environment, 705, 135831, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=7.963 (25/274 Env. Sci.)
  8. A. Ruiz-Delgado, P. Plaza-Bolaños, I. Oller, S. Malato, A. Agüera. Advanced evaluation of landfill leachate treatments by low and highresolution mass spectrometry focusing on microcontaminant removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 384, 121372, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=10.588 (10/274 Env. Sci.)
  9. G. Luna-Sanguino, A. Ruíz-Delgado, A. Tolosana-Moranchel, L. Pascual, S. Malato, A. Bahamonde, M. Faraldos. Solar photocatalytic degradation of pesticides over TiO2-rGO nanocomposites at pilot plant scale. Science of the Total Environment, 737, 140286, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=7.963 (25/274 Env. Sci.)
  10. Isaac Sánchez-Montes, Irene Salmerón García, Gracia Rivas Ibañez, José Mario Aquino, María Inmaculada Polo-López, Sixto Malato, Isabel Oller. UVC-based advanced oxidation processes for simultaneous removal of microcontaminants and pathogens from simulated municipal wastewater at pilot plant scale. Environ. Sci. Water Res. Technol., 6, 2553–2566, 2020. DOI: 10.1039/d0ew00279h. JCR 2020: IF=4.251 (89/274 Env. Sci.)
  11. Samira Nahim-Granados, Gracia Rivas-Ibáñez, José Antonio Sánchez Pérez, Isabel Oller, Sixto Malato, María Inmaculada Polo-López. Fresh-cut wastewater reclamation: Techno-Economical assessment of solar driven processes at pilot plant scale. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 278, 119334, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=19.503 (3/143 Chem. Eng)
  12. Melina Roccamante, Irene Salmerón, Ana Ruiz, Isabel Oller, Sixto Malato. New approaches to solar Advanced Oxidation Processes for elimination of priority substances based on electrooxidation and ozonation at pilot plant scale. Catalysis Today, 355, 844–850, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=6.766 (19/143 Chem. Eng)
  13. L.C. Ferreira, I. Salmerón , J.A. Peres, P.B. Tavares, M.S. Lucas , S. Malato. Advanced Oxidation Processes as sustainable technologies for the reduction of elderberry agro-industrial water impact. Water Res. Ind., 24, 100137, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=n.a.
  14. Ana Ruíz-Delgado. Melina Antonella Roccamante, Sixto Malato. Ana Agüera, Isabel Oller. Olive mill wastewater reuse to enable solar photo-Fenton-like processes for the elimination of priority substances in municipal wastewater treatment plant effluents. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27, 38148–38154, 2020. JCR 2020: IF=4.223 (91/274 Env. Sci.)
  15. I. Salmerón., G. Rivas, I. Oller, A. Martínez-Piernas, A. Agüera, S. Malato. Nanofiltration retentate treatment from urban wastewater secondary effluent by solar electrochemical oxidation processes. Separation and Purification Technology, 254. 117614, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=9.136 (14/142 Chem. Eng)
  16. Elizangela P. Costa, Melina Roccamante, Patricia Plaza-Bolaños, Isabel Oller, Ana Agüera, Camila C. Amorim, Sixto Malato. Aluminized surface to improve solar light absorption in open reactors: Application for micropollutants removal in effluents from municipal wastewater treatment plants. Science of the Total Environment, 755, 142624, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=10.753 (26/279 Env. Sci.)
  17. K. Kowalska, M. Roccamante, A. Cabrera Reina, P. Plaza-Bolaños, I. Oller, S. Malato. Pilot-scale removal of microcontaminants by solar-driven photo-Fenton in treated municipal effluents: Selection of operating variables based on lab-scale experiments. J. Environmental Chemical Engineering, 9, 104788, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=7.968 (20/142 Chem. Eng)
  18. D. Deemter, I. Oller, A. M. Amat, S. Malato. Effect of salinity on preconcentration of contaminants of emerging concern by nanofiltration: Application of solar photo-Fenton as a tertiary treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 756, 143593, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=10.753 (26/279 Env. Sci.)
  19. G. Luna-Sanguino, A. Ruíz-Delgado, C.J. Duran-Valle, S. Malato, M. Faraldos, A. Bahamonde. Impact of water matrix and oxidant agent on the solar assisted photodegradation of a complex mix of pesticides over titania-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites. Catalysis Today, 380, 114–124, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=6.562 (25/142 Chem. Eng)
  20. G. Maniakova, I. Salmerón, M. I. Polo-López, I. Oller, L. Rizzo, S. Malato. Simultaneous removal of contaminants of emerging concern and pathogens from urban wastewater by homogeneous solar driven advanced oxidation processes. Science of the Total Environment, 766, 144320, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=10.753 (26/279 Env. Sci.).
  21. Isabel Oller and Sixto Malato. Photo-Fenton applied to the removal of pharmaceutical and other pollutants of emerging concern. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 29, 100458, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=8.843 (13/47 Green & Sus. Sci. & Tech.).
  22. Elisabeth Cuervo Lumbaque, Renata M. Cardoso, Adriano de Araújo Gomes, Sixto Malato , José A. Sánchez Pérez, Carla Sirtori. Removal of pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater by solar photo-Fenton with Fe3+-EDDS using a pilot raceway pond reactor: Transformation products and in silico toxicity assessment. Microchemical Journal, 164, 106014, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=5.304 (17/87 Anal. Chem.)
  23. I. Salmerón, I. Oller, K.V. Plakas, S. Malato. Carbon-based cathodes degradation during electro-Fenton treatment at pilot scale: Changes in H2O2 electrogeneration. Chemosphere, 275, 129962, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=10.753 (33/279 Env. Sci.).
  24. Salmerón I., Oller I., Malato S. Solar photo-assisted electrochemical processes applied to actual industrial and urban wastewaters: A practical approach based on recent literature. Chemosphere, 279, 130560, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=10.753 (33/279 Env. Sci.)
  25. Gulnara Maniakova, Irene Salmerón, Samira Nahim-Granados, Sixto Malato, Isabel Oller, Luigi Rizzo, María Inmaculada Polo-López. Sunlight advanced oxidation processes vs ozonation for wastewater disinfection and safe reclamation. Science of the Total Environment 787, 147531, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=10.753 (26/279 Env. Sci.)
  26. Samira Nahim-Granados, Ana Belen Martínez-Piernas, Gracia Rivas-Ibañez, Patricia Plaza-Bolaños, Isabel Oller, Sixto Malato, Jose Antonio Sanchez Perez. Ana Agüera, María Inmaculada Polo-Lopez. Solar processes and ozonation for fresh-cut wastewater reclamation and reuse: Assessment of chemical, microbiological and chlorosis risks of raw-eaten crops.Water Research 203, 117532, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=13.400 (15/279 Env. Sci.)
  27. Iván Sciscenko, Antonio Arques, Carlos Escudero-Oñate, Melina Roccamante, Ana Ruiz-Delgado, Sara Miralles-Cuevas, Sixto Malato and Isabel Oller. A Rational Analysis on Key Parameters Ruling Zerovalent Iron-Based Treatment Trains: Towards the Separation of Reductive from Oxidative Phases. Nanomaterials, 11, 2948, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=5.719 (53/110 Nanosci. & Nanotech.)
  28. Fabrício Eduardo Bortot Coelho, Dennis Deemter, Victor M. Candelario Vittorio Boffa, Sixto Malato, Giuliana Magnacca. Development of a photocatalytic zirconia-titania ultrafiltration membrane with anti-fouling and self-cleaning properties. J.  Environ. Chem. Eng., 9, 106671, 2021. JCR 2021: IF=7.968 (20/142 Chem. Eng)
  29. M. Roccamante, S. Miralles-Cuevas, A. Cabrera-Reina, I. Oller, S. Malato. Evaluation of commercial zerovalent iron sources in combination with solar energy to remove microcontaminants from natural water at circumneutral pH. Chemosphere 286, 131557, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=8.8 (30/274 Env. Sci.)
  30. Isaac Sanchez-Montes, Irene Salmeron, Jose M. Aquino, María Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Sixto Malato, Isabel Oller. Solar-driven free chlorine advanced oxidation process for simultaneous removal of microcontaminants and microorganisms in natural water at pilot-scale. Chemosphere 288, 132493, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=8.8 (30/274 Env. Sci.)
  31. Gulnara Maniakova, Irene Salmeron, Marina Aliste, María Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Isabel Oller, Sixto Malato, Luigi Rizzo. Solar photo-Fenton at circumneutral pH using Fe(III)-EDDS compared to ozonation for tertiary treatment of urban wastewater: Contaminants of emerging concern removal and toxicity assessment. Chemical Engineering Journal 431, 133474, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=15.1 (5/141 Chem. Eng)
  32. M. Roccamante, A. Ruiz-Delgado, A. Cabrera-Reina, I. Oller, S. Malato, S. Miralles-Cuevas. Removal of microcontaminants by zero-valent iron solar processes at natural pH: Water matrix and oxidant agents effect. Science of the Total Environment 819, 153152, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=9.8 (26/274 Env. Sci.)
  33. Dennis Deemter, Irene Salmerón, Isabel Oller, Ana M. Amat, Sixto Malato. Valorization of UWWTP effluents for ammonium recovery and MC elimination by advanced AOPs. Science of the Total Environment 823, 153693, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=9.8 (26/274 Env. Sci.)
  34. Dennis Deemter, Isabel Oller, Ana M. Amat, Sixto Malato. Advances in membrane separation of urban wastewater effluents for (pre) concentration of microcontaminants and nutrient recovery: A mini review. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances 11, 100298, 2022. JCR 2022: No IF.
  35. Gulnara Maniakova, María Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Isabel Oller, María Jesús Abeledo-Lameiro, Sixto Malato, Luigi Rizzo. Simultaneous disinfection and microcontaminants elimination of urban wastewater secondary effluent by solar advanced oxidation sequential treatment at pilot scale. J. Hazar. Mat. 436, 129134, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=13.6 (10/274 Env. Sci.)
  36. Dennis Deemter, Fabricio Eduardo Bortot Coelho, Isabel Oller, Sixto Malato and Ana M. Amat. Assessment of a Novel Photocatalytic TiO2-Zirconia Ultrafiltration Membrane and Combination with Solar Photo-Fenton Tertiary Treatment of Urban Wastewater. Catalysts 12, 552, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=3.9 (71/161 Chem. Phys. Sci.)
  37. A. Ruiz-Aguirre, J.G. Villachica-Llamosas, M.I. Polo-Lopez, A. Cabrera-Reina, G. Colon, J. Peral, S. Malato. Assessment of pilot-plant scale solar photocatalytic hydrogen generation with multiple approaches: Valorization, water decontamination and disinfection. Energy 260, 125199, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=9.0 (22/117 Energy and Fuels)
  38. A. Ruíz-Delgado, L. Ponce-Robles, I. Salmerón, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-Lopez, S. Malato. Advanced microbiological tools for tracking complex wastewater treatment efficiency through the combination of physicochemical and biological technologies. J. Environmental Chemical Engineering 10, 108651, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=7.7 (17/141 Chem. Eng)
  39. Mads K. Jørgensen, D. Deemter, Lars W. Städe, Luna G. Sørensen, Lærke N. Madsen, I. Oller, S. Malato, Thorbjørn T. Nielsen, V. Boffa. High performance ultra- and nanofiltration removal of micropollutants by cyclodextrin complexation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 188, 694–703, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=3.9 (52/141 Chem. Eng)
  40. Fabrizio Sordello, Paola Calza, Claudio Minero, Sixto Malato and Marco Minella. More than One Century of History for Photocatalysis, from Past, Present and Future Perspectives. Catalysts 12, 1572, 2022. JCR 2022: IF=3.9 (71/161 Chem. Phys. Sci.)
  41. Alejandro Cabrera-Reina, Marina Aliste, María Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Sixto Malato, Isabel Oller. Individual and combined effect of ions species and organic matter on the removal of microcontaminants by Fe3+-EDDS/solar-light activated persulfate. Water Research 230, 119566, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=11.400 (13/359 Env. Sci.)
  42. Alba Hernandez-Zanoletty, Isabel Oller, M. Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Alberto Blazquez-Moraleja, Jenny Flores, M. Luisa Marín, Francisco Bosca, Sixto Malato. Assessment of new immobilized photocatalysts based on Rose Bengal for water and wastewater disinfection. Catalysis Today 413-415, 113941, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=5.2 (35/171 Chem. Eng)
  43. Cristina Bogatu, Maria Covei, María Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Anca Duta, Sixto Malato. Novel ZnO photocatalysts for pollutants’ abatement under solar radiation at pilot plant scale. Catalysis Today 413-415, 113947, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=5.2 (35/171 Chem. Eng)
  44. M. Roccamante, A. Ruiz-Delgado, A. Cabrera-Reina, S. Malato, I. Oller, A. Hernandez-Zanoletty, S. Miralles-Cuevas. Microcontaminant removal in solar pilot scale photoreactors with commercial iron nanoparticles obtained from olive mill wastewater. Catalysis Today 413-415, 113968, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=5.2 (35/171 Chem. Eng)
  45. Yeney Lauzurique, Sara Miralles-Cuevas, Mariel Godoy, Pamela Sepúlveda, Soledad Bollo, Alejandro Cabrera-Reina, Cesar Huiliñir, Sixto Malato, Isabel Oller. Ricardo Salazar-Gonzalez. Elimination of sulfamethoxazole by anodic oxidation using mixed metal oxide anodes. J. Wat. Process Eng. 54, 103922, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=6.3 (26/171 Chem. Eng)
  46. Gulnara Maniakova, María Inmaculada Polo Lopez, Isabel Oller, Sixto Malato, Luigi Rizzo. Ozonation Vs sequential solar driven processes as simultaneous tertiary and quaternary treatments of urban wastewater: A life cycle assessment comparison. J. Clean. Prod. 413, 137507, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=9.7 (24/359 Env. Sci.)
  47. David Yalin, Hillary A. Craddock, Shmuel Assouline, Evyatar Ben Mordechay, Alon Ben-Gal, Nirit Bernstein, Rabia M. Chaudhry, Benny Chefetz, Despo Fatta-Kassinos, Bernd M. Gawlik, Kerry A. Hamilton, Leron Khalifa, Isaya Kisekka, Iftach Klapp, Hila Korach-Rechtman l, Daniel Kurtzman, Guy J. Levy, Roberta Maffettone, Sixto Malato, Celia M. Manaia, Kyriakos Manoli, Orah F. Moshe, Andrew Rimelman, Luigi Rizzo, David L. Sedlak, Maya Shnit-Orland, Eliav Shtull-Trauring, Jorge Tarchitzky, Venus Welch-White, Clinton Williams , Jean McLain, Eddie Cytryn. Mitigating risks and maximizing sustainability of treated wastewater reuse for irrigation. Water Research X 21, 100203, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=7.20 (39/359 Env. Sci.)
  48. Mercedes Hinojosa, Isabel Oller, José María Quiroga, Sixto Malato, Agata Egea‑Corbacho, Asunción Acevedo‑Merino. Solar photo‑Fenton optimization at neutral pH for microcontaminant removal at pilot plant scale. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30, 96208–96218, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=no incluida pro ahora por algun error en la forma de ser citada, segun se lee en JCR)
  49. J.G. Villachica-Llamosas, Jakub Sowik, A. Ruiz-Aguirre, G. Colon, J. Peral, S. Malato. Photoreforming of glycerol to produce hydrogen from natural water in a compound parabolic collector solar photoreactor. J.  Environ. Chem. Eng. 11, 111216, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=7.2 (18/171 Chem. Eng)
  50. Alba Hernandez-Zanoletty, Oscar Cabezuelo, Agustín París-Reche, Isabel Oller, M. Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Ana Agüera, Patricia Plaza, M. Luisa Marín, Francisco Bosca, Sixto Malato. Assessment of new immobilized photocatalysts based on TiO2 for wastewater decontamination. J. Environ. Chem. Eng. 11, 111291, 2023. JCR 2023: IF=7.2 (18/171 Chem. Eng)
  51. Jaime Giménez, Bernardí Bayarri, Sixto Malato, José Peral, Santiago Esplugas. Occupational risk assessment in AOPs labs and management system that comply with UN sustainable development goals. Process Saf. Environ. Protection 182, 903–917, 2024.
  52. J.G. Villachica-Llamosas, A. Ruiz-Aguirre, G. Colon, J. Peral, S. Malato. CuO-TiO2 pilot-plant system performance for solar photocatalytic hydrogen production. Int J. Hydrog. En. 51, 1069-1077, 2024.
  53. Samira Nahim-Granados, Ilaria Berruti, Isabel Oller, María Inmaculada Polo-Lopez, Sixto Malato. Assessment of a commercial biodegradable iron fertilizer (Fe3+-IDS) for water treatment by solar photo-Fenton at near-neutral pH. Catalysis Today 434, 114699, 2024.
  54. J.G. Villachica-Llamosas, A. Ruiz-Aguirre, G. Colon, J. Peral, S. Malato. H2 production based on a ternary mixture of commercial CuO-NiO-TiO2 in a solar pilot plant. Catalysis Today 431, 114608, 2024.
  55. P. Núñez-Tafalla, I. Salmerón, I. Oller, S. Venditti, S. Malato, J. Hansen. Micropollutant elimination by sustainable technologies: coupling activated carbon with solar photo-Fenton as pre-oxydation step. J. Environ. Chem. Eng.12, 113305, 2024.
  56. Alessandro Pietro Tucci, Stefano Fumagalli, Simone Livolsi, Gian Luca Chiarello, Elena Selli, Ana Ruiz-Delgado, Sixto Malato, Massimiliano Bestetti, Silvia Franz. Doping of photoactive TiO2 films by DC Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation: effect of transition metals. Catalysis Today 441, 114851, 2024.
  57. Patricia García-Munoz, Aime Abega, Alba Hernandez-Zanoletty, Didier Robert, Sixto Malato, Nicolas Keller. Scaling-up the use of macroscopic photo-CWPO La1-xTixFeO3/SiC alveolar foam catalyst for solar water treatment against micropollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal 498, 155750, 2024.