Líneas de investigación
Su labor científica se fundamenta en el desarrollo de Proyectos de I+D centrados en la desinfección de diferentes tipos de aguas mediante procesos avanzados de oxidación y procesos fotoquímicos solares (basados en el uso de peróxidos y desinfección solar). En este contexto, su interés científico se centra en la evaluación de la calidad microbiológica alcanzada tras el tratamiento y su adecuación a las normativas de calidad de agua potable y de agua regenerada. Además, destaca su interés científico en el fenómeno de la resistencia a antibióticos desde el punto de vista microbiano y genético, donde desarrolla metodologías de trabajo mediante tecnológicas de biología molecular tales como PCR a tiempo real para su monitorización en diferentes tipos de matrices (agua, suelo y planta).
Breve CV
Autora y co-autora de más de 110 publicaciones en revistas internacionales con alto índice de impacto (Orcid: 0000-0002-2505-721X), autora de 2 libros y co-autora de otros 20 capítulos de libros. Ha contribuido con más de 200 aportaciones a Congresos y Simposios nacionales e internacionales. Desde que se unió al CIEMAT en 2008, ha colaborado con más de 30 estudiantes de doctorado en el campo de la desinfección solar y fotocatalítica solar de agua. Además, ha participado como investigadora en más de 20 proyectos nacionales e internacionales. Ha dirigido dos tesis doctorales, co-dirigido otra y actualmente dirige/co-dirige cinco tesis doctorales en curso. Scopus h-index (febrero 2025): 40.
- S. Nahim-Granados, G. Rivas-Ibáñez, J. A. Sánchez-Pérez, I. Oller, S. Malato, M.I. Polo-López. Fresh-cut wastewater reclamation: Techno-Economical assessment of solar driven processes at pilot plant scale. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 278, 119334, 2020. JCR 2020: IF= 19.503 (3/142 Eng, Envi) Q1
- L.C. Ferreira, M. Castro-Alférez, S. Nahim-Granados, M.I. Polo-López, M.S. Lucas, G. Li Puma, P. Fernández-Ibáñez. Inactivation of water pathogens with solar photo-activated persulfate oxidation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 381, 122275, 2020.JCR 2020: IF=13.273 (4/143 Eng, Chem) Q1
- S. G. Michael, I. Michael-Kordatou, S. Nahim-Granados, M. I. Polo-López, J. Rochad, A. B. Martínez-Piernas, P. Fernández-Ibáñez, A. Agüera, C. M. Manaia, D. Fatta-Kassinos. Investigating the impact of UV-C/H2O2 and sunlight/H2O2 on the removal of antibiotics, antibiotic resistance determinants and toxicity present in urban wastewater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 388, 124383, 2020.JCR 2020: IF=13.273 (4/143 Eng, Chem) Q1
- R. B.M. Marano et al, (84 authors) including S. Nahim-Granados and M. I. Polo-López. A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants. Environment International, 144, 106035, 2020.JCR 2020: IF= 9.621 (14/264 Environ Science). Q1
- S. Nahim-Granados, G. Rivas-Ibañez, J. A. Sánchez-Perez, I. Oller, S. Malato, M. I. Polo-Lopez. Synthetic fresh-cut wastewater disinfection and decontamination by ozonation at pilot scale. Water Research, 170, 115304, 2020.JCR 2020: IF= 11.236 (2/67 Eng, Environ). Q1
- I. Sánchez-Montes, I. Salmerón-García, G. Rivas-Ibañez, J. M. Aquino, M. I. Polo-López, S. Malato, I. Oller. UVC-based advanced oxidation processes for simultaneous removal of microcontaminants and pathogens from simulated municipal wastewater at pilot plant scale. Environmental Science Water Research & Technology, 6, 2553, 2020.JCR 2020: IF=4.251 (24/54 Eng, Chem) Q2
- A. Martínez-García, M. Vincent, V. Rubiolo, M. Domingos, M. C. Canela, I. Oller, P. Fernández-Ibáñez, M. I. Polo-López. Assessment of a pilot solar V-trough reactor for solar water disinfection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 399, 125719, 2020.JCR 2020: IF=13.273 (4/143 Eng, Chem) Q1
- B. Reyneke, T. Ndlovua, M.B. Vincent, A. Martínez-García, M.I. Polo-López, P. Fernández-Ibáñez, G. Ferrero, S. Khan, K.G. McGuigan, W. Khan. Validation of large-volume batch solar reactors for the treatment of rainwater in field trials in sub-Saharan Africa. Science of the Total Environment, 717, 137223, 2020. JCR 2019: IF=6.551 (22/265 Environ Science) Q1
- B. Reyneke, K.A. Hamilton, P. Fernández-Ibáñez, M.I. Polo-López, K.G. McGuigan, S. Khan, W. Khan. EMA-amplicon-based sequencing informs risk assessment analysis of water treatment systems. Science of the Total Environment, 743, 140717, 2020.JCR 2019: IF=6.551 (22/265 Environ Science) Q1
- A. García-Gil, A. Martínez, M. I. Polo-López, J. Marugan. Kinetic modeling of the synergistic thermal and spectral actions on the inactivation of viruses in water by sunlight. Water Research, 183, 116074, 2020. JCR 2020: IF= 11.236 (2/67 Eng, Environ). Q1
- M.I. Polo-López, J.A. Sánchez Pérez. Perspectives of the solar photo-Fenton process against the spreading of pathogens, antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes in the environment. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 27, 100416, 2021. JCR2021: IF= 8.84 (7/59 Process Chemistry and Technology) Q1
- I. Salmerón, P.K. Sharma, M.I. Polo-López, A. Tolosana, S. McMichael, I. Oller, J.A. Byrne, P. Fernández-Ibáñez. Electrochemically assisted photocatalysis for the simultaneous degradation of organic micro-contaminants and inactivation of microorganisms in water. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 147, 488–496 2021. JCR2021: IF= 7.93 (27/279 Chem. Eng.) Q1
- G. Maniakova, I. Salmerón, M.I. Polo-López, I. Oller, L. Rizzo, S. Malato. Simultaneous removal of contaminants of emerging concern and pathogens from urban wastewater by homogeneous solar driven advanced oxidation processes. Science of the Total Environment, 766, 144320, 2021. JCR2021: IF= 10.75 (13/122 Environ. Chem.) Q1
- I. Berruti, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-López. Direct oxidation of peroxymonosulfate under natural solar radiation: Accelerating the simultaneous removal of organic contaminants and pathogens from water. Chemosphere, 279, 130555, 2021. JCR2021: IF: 8.94 (15/122 Environ. Chem.) Q1
- P. Ozores Diez, M. I. Polo-López, A. Martínez-García, M. Waso, B. Reyneke, W. Khan, K.G. McGuigan, P. Fernández-Ibáñez, R. Devery, B. Quilty. In vitro toxicity studies of novel solar water disinfection reactors using the E-screen bioassay and the Ames test. H2Open Journal, 1, 204, 2021. JCR2021: (95/130 Water Resources) Q3
- I. Berruti, S. Nahim‐Granados, M.J. Abeledo‐Lameiro, I. Oller, M.I. Polo‐López. UV‐C Peroxymonosulfate Activation for Wastewater Regeneration: Simultaneous Inactivation of Pathogens and Degradation of Contaminants of Emerging Concern. Molecules, 26, 4890, 2021. JCR2021: IF= 4.93 (97/285 Biochem. & Molec Biology) Q2
- G. Maniakova, I. Salmerón, S. Nahim-Granados, S. Malato, I. Oller, L. Rizzo, M.I. Polo-López. Sunlight advanced oxidation processes vs ozonation for wastewater disinfection and safe reclamation. Science of the Total Environment, 787, 147531, 2021. JCR2021: IF= 10.75 (13/122 Environ. Chem.) Q1
- S. Nahim-Granados, A.B. Martínez-Piernas, G. Rivas-Ibáñez, P. Plaza-Bolaños, I. Oller, S. Malato, J.A. Sánchez Pérez, A. Agüera, M.I. Polo-López. Solar processes and ozonation for fresh-cut wastewater reclamation and reuse: Assessment of chemical, microbiological and chlorosis risks of raw-eaten crops. Water Research, 203, 117532, 2021. JCR2021: IF= 13.4 (6/55 Eng, Environ) Q1
- A. Martínez-García, I. Oller, M. Vincent, V. Rubiolo, J.K. Asiimwe, C. Muyanja, K.G. McGuigan, P. Fernández-Ibáñez, M.I. Polo-López. Meeting daily drinking water needs for communities in Sub-Saharan Africa using solar reactors for harvested rainwater. Chemical Engineering Journal, 428, 2022, 132494. JCR2022: IF=15.1 (Eng, Chem 5/142) Q1
- I. Sánchez-Montes, I. Salmerón, J.M. Aquino, M.I. Polo-López, S. Malato, I. Oller. Solar-driven free chlorine advanced oxidation process for simultaneous removal of microcontaminants and microorganisms in natural water at pilot-scale. Chemosphere, 288, 2022, 132493, JCR2022: IF= 8.8 (Environ Science 30/275) Q1
- G. Maniakova, I. Salmerón, M. Aliste, M.I. Polo-López, I. Oller, S. Malato, L. Rizzo. Solar photo-fenton at circumneutral pH using Fe(III)-EDDS compared to ozonation for tertiary treatment of urban wastewater: Contaminants of emerging concern removal and toxicity assessment. Chemical Engineering Journal, 431, 2022, 133474, JCR2022: IF=15.1 (Eng, Chem 5/142) Q1
- I. Berruti, S. Nahim-Granados, M.J. Abeledo-Lameiro, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-López. Recent advances in solar photochemical processes for water and wastewater disinfection. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 10, 2022, 100248.
- G. Maniakova, M.I. Polo-López, I. Oller, M.J. Abeledo-Lameiro, S. Malato, L. Rizzo. Simultaneous disinfection and microcontaminants elimination of urban wastewater secondary effluent by solar advanced oxidation sequential treatment at pilot scale. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 436, 2022, 129134, JCR2022: IF= 13.6 (Eng, Environ 4/55) Q1
- I. Berruti, M.I. Polo-López, I. Oller, J. Flores, M. Luisa Marin, F. Bosca. Sulfate radical anion: Laser flash photolysis study and application in water disinfection and decontamination. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 315, 2022, 121519, JCR2022: IF= 22.1 (Chem, Physical 6/161) Q1
- I. Berruti, N.P.F. Gonçalves, P. Calza, M.C. Paganini, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-López. Natural solar activation of modified zinc oxides with rare earth elements (Ce, Yb) and Fe for the simultaneous disinfection and decontamination of urban wastewater. Chemosphere, 303, 2022, 135017, JCR2022: IF= 8.8 (Environ Science 30/275) Q1
- A. Ruiz-Aguirre, J.G. Villachica-Llamosas, M.I. Polo-López, A. Cabrera-Reina, G. Colón, J. Peral, S. Malato. Assessment of pilot-plant scale solar photocatalytic hydrogen generation with multiple approaches: Valorization, water decontamination and disinfection. Energy, 260, 2022, 125199, JCR2022: IF= 8.9 (Energy&Fuels 23/119) Q1
- A. Ruíz-Delgado, L. Ponce-Robles, I. Salmerón, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-López, S. Malato. Advanced microbiological tools for tracking complex wastewater treatment efficiency through the combination of physicochemical and biological technologies. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 2022, 108651, JCR2022: IF= 7.7 (Eng, Chem 16/142) Q1
- A. Fiorentino, P. Soriano-Molina, M.J. Abeledo-Lameiro, I. de la Obra, A. Proto, M.I. Polo-López, J. A. Sánchez Pérez, L. Rizzo. Neutral (Fe3+-NTA) and acidic (Fe2+) pH solar photo-Fenton Vs chlorination: Effective urban wastewater disinfection does not mean control of antibiotic resistance. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 10, 2022, 108777, JCR2022: IF= 7.7 (Eng, Chem 16/142) Q1
- A. García‑Gil, R.A. García‑Muñoz, A. Martínez‑García, M.I. Polo‑López, A. Gebreyesus Wasihun, M. Teferi, T. Asmelash, R. Conroy, K.G. McGuigan, J. Marugán. Solar water disinfection in large‑volume containers: from the laboratory to the field. A case study in Tigray, Ethiopia. Scientific Reports, 12, 2022, 18933, JCR2022: IF= 4.6 (Multidisciplinary Sciences 22/73) Q1
- I. Berruti, M. I. Polo López, I. Oller, E. Laurenti, M. Minella, P. Calza. The reactivity of peroxymonosulfate towards sulfamethoxazole. Catalysis Today, 413-415, 2023, 113975, JCR2023: IF= 5.2 (Chem, Applied 13/74) Q1
- A. Hernández-Zanoletty, I. Oller, M. I. Polo-López, A. Blazquez-Moraleja, J. Flores, M. L. Marín, F. Boscá, S. Malato. Assessment of new immobilized photocatalysts based on Rose Bengal for water and wastewater disinfection. Catalysis Today, 413-415, 2023, 113941, JCR2023: IF= 5.2 (Chem, Applied 13/74) Q1
- C. Bogatu, M. Covei, M. I. Polo-López, A. Duta, S. Malato. Novel ZnO photocatalysts for pollutants’ abatement under solar radiation at pilot plant scale. Catalysis Today, 413-415, 2023, 113947, JCR2023: IF= 5.2 (Chem, Applied 13/74) Q1
- S. Guerra-Rodríguez, M.J. Abeledo-Lameiro, M.I. Polo-López, P. Plaza-Bolaños, A. Agüera, E. Rodríguez, J. Rodríguez-Chueca. Pilot-scale sulfate radical-based advanced oxidation for wastewater reuse: simultaneous disinfection, removal of contaminants of emerging concern, and antibiotic resistance genes. Chemical Engineering Journal, 477, 2023, 146916, JCR2023: IF=13.4 (Eng, Chem 7/170) Q1
- G. Maniakova, M.I. Polo López, I. Oller, S. Malato, L. Rizzo. Ozonation Vs sequential solar driven processes as simultaneous tertiary and quaternary treatments of urban wastewater: A life cycle assessment comparison. Journal of Cleaner Production, 413, 2023, 137507, JCR2023: IF=9.8 (Eng, Envir. 9/81) Q1
- A. Martínez-García, S. Nahim-Granados, I. Berruti, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-López. Assessment of solar water disinfection enhancement with H2O2 and dissolved oxygen on inactivating different waterborne pathogens. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11, 2023, 111145, JCR2023: IF= 7.4 (Eng, Chem 18/170) Q1
- A. Hernández-Zanoletty, O. Cabezuelo, A. París-Reche, I. Oller, M. I. Polo-López, A. Agüera, P. Plaza, M. L. Marín, F. Boscá, Sixto Malato. Assessment of new immobilized photocatalysts based on TiO2 for wastewater decontamination. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11, 2023, 111291, JCR2023: IF= 7.4 (Eng, Chem 18/170) Q1
- B. Sawant, M.J. Abeledo-Lameiro, A. García Gil, S. Couso-Pérez, S. Sharma, U. Sethia, R. Marasini, L. Buck, M.I. Polo-López, I. Oller, J. Marugán, H. Gómez-Couso, E. Ares-Mazás, K. Vijaya Lakshmi, S. Pal, R. Dhodapkar, K.G. McGuigan. Good optical transparency is not an essential requirement for effective solar water disinfection (SODIS) containers. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11, 2023, 110314, JCR2023: IF= 7.4 (Eng, Chem 18/170) Q1
- K. O’Dowd, A. Martínez-García, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-López, S. Couso-Pérez, E. Ares-Mazás, H. Gómez-Couso, A. García-Gil, J. Marugán, R. Marasini, K.G. McGuigan, S. C. Pillai. Efficient solar disinfection (SODIS) using polypropylene based transparent jerrycans: An investigation into its effectiveness, viability, and water sample toxicity. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 11, 2023, 109787, JCR2023: IF= 7.4 (Eng, Chem 18/170) Q1
- A. Cabrera-Reina, M. Aliste, M. I. Polo-López, S. Malato, I. Oller. Individual and combined effect of ion species and organic matter on the removal of microcontaminants by Fe3+-EDDS/solar-light activated persulfate. Water Research, 230, 2023, 119566, JCR2023: IF=11.500 (Eng, Environ 5/81) Q1
- I. Berruti, S. Nahim Granados, M.J. Abeledo Lameiro, I. Oller, M.I. Polo López. Peroxymonosulfate/Solar process for urban wastewater purification at a pilot plant scale: A techno-economic assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 881, 2023, 163407, JCR2023: IF=8.2 (Environ Sci 31/385) Q1
- C. Monteserín, M. Blanco, A. Juarros, A.M. Goitandia, H. Zarrabe, I. Azpitarte, E. Aranzabe, I. Espinoza-Pavón, S. Nahim-Granados, I. Berruti, M.I. Polo-López. Solar-assisted stainless-steel TiO2-based coatings for water disinfection and decontamination. Catalysis Today, 434, 2024, 114673, JCR2023: IF= 5.2 (Chem, Applied 13/74) Q1
- S. Nahim-Granados, I. Berruti, I. Oller, M.I. Polo-López, S. Malato. Assessment of a commercial biodegradable iron fertilizer (Fe3+-IDS) for water treatment by solar photo-Fenton at near-neutral pH. Catalysis Today, 434, 2024, 114699, JCR2023: IF= 5.2 (Chem, Applied 13/74) Q1
- S. Nahim-Granados, H. Quon, M.I. Polo-López, I. Oller, A. Agüera, S Jiang. Assessment of antibiotic-resistant infection risks associated with reclaimed wastewater irrigation in intensive tomato cultivation Water Research, 254, 2024, 121437, JCR2023: IF=13.400 (Eng, Environ 6/54) Q1
- N. Tian, L.C. Schmidt, M.J. Abeledo Lameiro M.I. Polo-López. M.L. Marín, F. Boscá, I. Castillo González, A. Hernández Lehmann, S. Giannakis. Why is HSO5- so effective against bacteria? Insights into the mechanisms of Escherichia coli disinfection by unactivated peroxymonosulfate. Water Research, 254, 2024, 121441, JCR2021: IF=13.400 (Eng, Environ 6/54) Q1