Clean technologies for solar hydrogen production based on mixed-ferrites thermochemical cycle
Aurelio Gonzalez, aurelioj@psa.es
150 k€; CTA-IDEA
Some high temperature endothermic reactions for converting solar energy to chemical fuels have been investigated around the world. Many of the activities to this point dealt with identifying, developing, and assessing improved receiver/reactors for efficient running of thermochemical processes for the production of H2. A challenging approach is investigated at the Hitersol project where the reactor used to drive the ferrites cycle is a cavity receiver using tubular reactors.
HITERSOL is cooperation between CIEMAT-PSA, and the company Abengoa Hydrogen, established within the framework of CTA-IDEA Initiative funded by the Andalusia Community.
Hitersol pursued to develop clean technologies for solar hydrogen production based on water splitting by a mixed-ferrites thermochemical cycle. To achieve this aim, an installation was designed, constructed and commissioning within a previous project named SolH2. Present collaboration pursued to complete the evaluation of a 200 kW pilot plant erected in PSA.
ABENGOA Hydrogen (company subsidiary of the ABENGOA group) and CIEMAT