"Life cycle assessment as a tool for green
chemistry: application to kraft pulp industrial wastewater treatment
by different advanced oxidation processes" by I. Muñoz. (Pdf
file, 4.64 MB)
"The use of solar energy for the treatment
of liquid wastewater (Solar Detoxification)" by S. Malato. 1st
seminar of "Advanced Oxidation Methods of the Treatment of Liquid
and Air Waste". Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece),
9th-20th February, 2004.(Pdf
file, 475 KB)
"Photocatalytic reactors for the treatment
of liquid wastewater in the presence of solar radiation" by S.
Malato. 1st seminar of "Advanced Oxidation Methods of the Treatment
of Liquid and Air Waste". Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
(Greece), 9th-20th February, 2004. (Pdf
file, 836 KB)
"Effects of the Parameters Temperature, Iron
Concentration and Irradiation on the Reaction Rate of the Photo-Fenton
Process using Alachlor as a Model Compound" by Eva Augsten, Master
Thesis (Bingen, Germany 2004). (Pdf
file, 2.0 MB)
"Solar photo-Fenton treatment of EU priority substances. Process parameters and control strategies". Doctoral Thesis by Wolfgang Gernjak, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciencies, Vienna, 2006. (Pdf file, 3.5 MB)
"Life cycle assessment as a tool for green chemistry: Application to different advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment". Doctoral Thesis by Iván Muñoz. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Bellatera (Barcelona), 2006. (Pdf file, 2.4 MB)
"A strategy for xenobiotic removal using photocataytic treatment, microbial degradation or integrated photocatalytic-biological process". Doctoral Thesis by Miléna Lapertot. Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). Lausanne, 2006. (Pdf file, 1.4 MB)
Etude de la degradation de composés récalcitrants par le procédé photo-Fenton couplé à une biomasse immobilisée". Project of Master by Raphael Gallay. École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne-Plataforma Solar de Almería. Lausanne, 2006. (Pdf file, 3.8 MB)