This laboratory line is dedicated to the development and characterization of coatings for solar thermal applications. One of the main activities involves the development of selective and non-selective coatings for solar absorbers used in solar concentrating systems operating at low, medium, and high temperatures (up to 1000°C). These coatings can be applied to various substrate configurations, including flat surfaces, tubular structures, particles, and foams. Other activities focus on the development of antireflective and anti-soiling coatings for the glass covers of solar receivers.
The laboratory is equipped to prepare coatings using chemical methods (such as dip-coating) and to characterize and evaluate their durability and performance. Additionally, it can analyze and study other coatings available on the market or developed by public or private institutions. The equipment associated with this laboratory can also be used for the optical characterization of solar reflectors, complementing the capabilities of the OPAC laboratory, which is specifically dedicated to this activity.
A summary of the equipment available is provided below:
Three kilns for thermal treatments: