As mentioned previously, the PSA is subject since 1987 of an agreement of Spanish-German cooperation, especially between the CIEMAT and the DLR (German Aerospace Research Institute). At present time, scientific relations and cooperation commitments are governed by Annex VI of this Agreement, which includes the commitment to maintain a permanent DLR delegation at the PSA. This commitment to collaboration extends to December 2020.
In all, the scope of collaboration in which the PSA moves is remarkably wide. On the internationally side, the PSA actively participates in the 'SolarPACES' program (Solar Power and Chemical Energy Systems) of the International Energy Agency, where information is exchanged and are made task and to share the costs with similar approved center in several countries (USA , Mexico, Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, European Commission, South Africa, Israel, Algeria, South Korea, Austria and Egypt).
On the other hand, the PSA-CIEMAT is a founding member of "Associated European Solar Energy Laboratory" (SolLab). This virtual laboratory is made up by leading European research institutes of concentrated solar power, that is as; the PROMES-CNRS in Odeillo (France), the division of solar energy of the DLR in Cologne (Germany), the Renewable Energy Laboratory Institute Federal technology Zurich (Switzerland), the Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland) and the CIEMAT itself.
Another close and enduring collaboration it is that the center has with the University of Almeria, which led to the creation in 2004 of "CIEMAT-UAL Mixed Center for Research in Solar Energy", called 'CIESOL'. In 2015, cooperation within the framework "CIESOL" which was endorsed and extended until 2025.
Apart from all these collaborations institutional, it should be underlined that each Units R&D of the Plataforma Solar de Almeria maintains a stable cooperation that include universities, PYMES and large companies, both national and international.
It is particularly strong the cooperation with leading national companies interested in technological development and commercialization of solar thermal power. These include, for example, IBERDROLA, ABENGOA, SENER or ACCIONA.
It is important to say also that collaborations with closest entities are increasing, such as companies DERETIL, CAJAMAR, citrus ANDARAX or COEXPHAL are first class references in the province of Almeria.