Research and technical staff

Antonio Ávila Marín - Researcher

Ph. D. industrial technologies UNED, Spain. Master in Renewable Energy, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Spain. B. Sc. Chemical Engineer, University of Granada, Spain.

Heat of the porous materials characterization laboratory.

Researcher in point focus technology with experience in numerical analysis of receivers and sensitive heat storage systems, testing and evaluation of prototypes, annual production analysis, as well as in the design and development of component testing facilities.

Jesús Fernández Reche - Senior Researcher

PhD in Applied Sciences. University of Almería (SPAIN). B. Sc. Physics. University of Granada (SPAIN)

Senior Researcher in point focus concentrating solar technology (Receivers, Heliostats, Dish/Stirling systems). Experience on design, modelling, testing and evaluation, and applications of Solar Towers .

Rafael Monterreal Espinosa - Senior Researcher

Senior researcher with experience on measuring equipment for concentrated solar radiation and temperature in central receiver systems using VIS and IR cameras. Test and evaluation of heliostat prototypes, heliostat modeling and simulation software development for heliostats and heliostat fields.

Jesús Mª Ballestrín Bolea - Senior Researcher

Ph. D. Physics, Universidad Complutense, Madrid (SPAIN).

Head of the Radiometry Laboratory, Plataforma Solar de Almería.

Senior Researcher in Thermosolar Point Focus Systems (Central Receiver Plants, Solar Furnaces). Experience in measurement of concentrated solar radiation, calibration of high solar irradiance radiometers, measurement of high temperatures with IR systems, measurement of emittance of materials at high temperatures, simulation and measurement of atmospheric extinction of solar radiation.

Javier Bonilla Cruz - Researcher

Doctor Internacional en Ciencias de la Computación, Máster en Técnicas Informáticas Avanzadas, Ingeniero en Informática e Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Sistemas, todos por la Universidad de Almería.

Su trabajo se centra en la automatización y digitalización de procesos mediante modelado, simulación, control automático e inteligencia artificial. Aplica estas técnicas a la optimización de la energía solar térmica de concentración, con el objetivo de mejorar la eficiencia, reducir el consumo de agua y energía, y minimizar los costes operativos.

Daniel Sánchez Señorán - Predoctoral researcher (CIEMAT)

Degree in Industrial Technology Engineering from Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid).
Master in Industrial Engineering with speciality in energy sustainability from Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid).

Ongoing Doctoral thesis.

Experimental and numeric characterization of porous volumetric receptors in high solar concentrated power. Study of porous volumetric receptors in high solar concentrated power for thermodynamic cycles.

Noelia Simal Pérez - Predoctoral researcher (CIEMAT)

Degree in Electrical Engineering with a mention in Renewable Energies, University of Almería.
Master in Industrial Engineering, University of Almería.

Ongoing Doctoral thesis.

Elaboration of typical year of Solar Extinction of the Plataforma Solar de Almería. Validation of Extinction Models and Maps in areas of interest for thermoelectric solar plants. Measurement of high solar irradiance.

Laura Alonso Pardo - Predoctoral researcher (CIEMAT)

Degree in Phisics, Technical University of Berlin.
Master's Degree in Energies and Fuels for the Future, Autonomous University of Madrid.

Ongoing Doctoral thesis.

Simulation of advanced receivers for solar concentration systems and their integration in the plant.