ACCESS TO THE “PLATAFORMA SOLAR DE ALMERÍA” Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructure DEVOTED TO SOLAR THERMAL ELECTRICITY APPLICATIONS AND PHOTOCHEMISTRY FACILITIES PROVIDING ACCESS AND SERVICES Central Receiver System (CRS) Solar Hydrogen Production Process Qualification Thermal and thermodynamic characterization of prototype thermochemical reactors for central tower technologies under real operating conditions CESA-1 Heliostat(s) Performance Qualification Qualification of heat storage using packed beds under real operating conditions Thermal and thermodynamic characterization of solar receivers prototypes for central receiver on tower technologies under real operating conditions Heat Transfer Fluid test loop (HTF) Outdoor qualification of components for PTC, including new prototypes, commercial components and/or new measurement techniques or devices Optical and thermal performance measurement of parabolic-trough collector units Direct steam generation system (DISS) Testing of components for parabolic troughs solar fields with direct steam generation under real operating conditions Molten salt test loop (MOSA) Characterization of materials and components for thermal energy storage systems Heat exchangers characterization Simulation and modelling of thermal storage systems. Integration in STE plants or industrial heat processes Test benches with molten salts (BES) Validation and verification of different types of valves, gaskets, pressure transmitters, tracing, insulation, etc. for use in molten salt loops. Parabolic Through Test Loop (PTTL) Parabolic Trough Collector’s Characterization Calibration of synthetic oil mass flow meters Rotary test bench for parabolic trough collectors (KONTAS) Outdoor optical and thermal performance of linear receivers for PTC Outdoor qualification of line-focus collector units Horizontal Solar Furnace(HSF) (Receiver) Non-Contact Temperature Measurement at Solar Furnaces Accelerated Solar Ageing of absorbers & absorbing coatings Material Synthesis Qualification of industrial endothermic processes using heat from solar concentration Surface materials treatment Vertical Solar Furnace(VSF) (Receiver) Non-Contact Temperature Measurement at Solar Furnaces Accelerated Solar Ageing of absorbers & absorbing coatings Material Synthesis Qualification of industrial endothermic processes using heat from solar concentration Surface materials treatment 4 parabolic dish units (DISTAL) Accelerated solar ageing of absorbers & absorbing coatings Qualification of whole Dish/Stirling Systems Testing of solarized Stirling engines in real solar conditions MED facility Solar thermal desalination by multi-effect distillation Enhancement of the efficiency of low-temperature distillation processes through absorption heat pumps CSP+D facility Techno-economic evaluation of the process of solar thermal cogeneration of electricity and fresh water (CSP+D) MDTF facility Solar thermal desalination by membrane distillation Thermal treatment of industrial wastewater by membrane distillation NF-RO-FO installation Nanofiltration (NF) as pre-treatment for solar thermal desalination processes Forward osmosis (FO) for osmotic concentration and dilution processes Reverse osmosis (RO) and forward osmosis (FO) combinations for desalination and brine treatment SOLWATER Integration of advanced technologies for urban and industrial wastewaters treatment and reuse Solar Photocatalytic Disinfection of Water Solar Reactors design and development for water treatment HyWATOx Simultaneous production of hydrogen and removal of organic contaminants in water Laboratory of optical analysis and accelerated aging of solar reflectors (OPAC) Average solar field reflectance measurement Characterization of optical properties of solar reflectors Durability of solar reflectors under accelerated ageing in climatic chamber Outdoor exposure of solar reflectors Study of the cleaning methods of solar reflectors Laboratory for the characterization and evaluation of the durability of materials under concentrated solar radiation (MaterLab) 3D Optical surface metrology Microhardness analysis Solar receiver tubes laboratory (SRTLab) Optical performance measurement of receiver tubes for parabolic-trough collectors (outdoor test bench) Heat loss measurement in receiver tubes for parabolic-trough collectors (indoor test bench) Laboratory for the geometric characterization of reflectors and structural frames(GeoLab) Geometrical assessment of Solar Concentrators (single facets, point focus concentrators and line focus collectors) Radiometry laboratory (RadLab) Calibration of concentrated solar irradiance sensors Calibration of infrared sensors Water Technologies Laboratory (WATLAB) Characterisation of water samples for environmental purposes Desalination laboratory (DESALAB) Characterisation of the membrane distillation (MD) process with different solutions and/or membranes. One- or two-stage forward osmosis (FO) and pressure-retarded osmosis (PRO) tests Building Component Energy Test Laboratory (LECE) Thermal tests of specific building components in Outdoors Tests Cells under real weather conditions Measurement campaigns in fully monitored in-use buildings (living labs): Single-zone building and Office Building Prototype Test and monitoring of specific and highly instrumental construction systems: Solar Chimney, etc