SolarNOVA-II Agreement. (ICTS-2017-03-CIEMAT-04)
This Agreement is jointly financed by the European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) within the Intelligent Development 2014-2020 Operational Program, for the “Expansion, Improvement, Renovation and Remodelling of the Plataforma Solar de Almería, second phase". The General Secretariat of Science and Innovation allocates funds to finance projects and actions related to infrastructures included in the Map of the in force Scientific and Technical Infrastructures (ICTS), which were approved by the Science Policy, Technology and Innovation Council in October 2014.
NOVAPSA 2015. (FICTS-2015-03)
Agreement co-financed by the Technological Funds (funds allocated to the R+D+i Operative Program by and for the benefit of Companies) and which are managed by the General Direction of International Cooperation and Institutional Relationship.
Convocatoria de Infraestructuras 2008.
The Ministry of Science and Innovation, through the General Direction of Research and Management of the R+D National Program, in the Call for 2008 of the Scientific-Technological Infrastructures National Program granted 4 projects to the Solar Platform of Almeria co-financed by FEDER.
SolarNOVA-I. (ICT-CEPU2009-0001)
Agreement co-financed by the Technological Fund (funds allocated to the R+D+i Operative Program by and for the benefit of the Enterprises) and managed by the General Direction of International Cooperation and Institutional Relations (GDICIR)