SOLWARIS Solving water issues for CSP plants |
EERES4WATER Promoting Energy-Water Nexus resource efficiency through Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency |
SOLTERMIN Soluciones termosolares para integración en procesos industriales |
SFERA-III Solar facilities for the European Research Area - Third Phase |
SOLARTWINS Solar Twining to Create Solar Research Twins |
Network for Excellence in Solar Thermal Energy Research
Duration : –
Funding: European Commission, H2020 Programme
Background: The geopolitical placement of Cyprus offers excellent opportunities for cultivating a research and innovation niche in solar technologies. At the same time, the remoteness of the corresponding centres of Excellence of EU is a major impediment. The NESTER Project strives to enhance the advantages and ameliorate the disadvantages of this geographical placement.
Objectives: The NESTER Project aims in upgrading the scientific and innovation performance of the Cyprus Institute (CyI) in the field of Solar-Thermal Energy. The upgrade will be achieved by embedding the Institute’s activities in a network of excellence, which will provide access to the latest know-how and facilities, train CyI’s scientific and technical personnel and link it with the European Industry. The substantial investments made/planned by CyI in infrastructure and personnel will thus become more efficient and competitive allowing claim to international excellence.
Solving water issues for CSP Plants
Duration: 2018 – 2022
Funding: European Commission, H2020 Program
Background: The electricity production from concentrated solar thermal power (CSP) has to cope with two main challenges, the reduction of the water consumption since a high insolation often occurs in locations with a lack of water resources, and also the improvement of the cost-effectiveness of the CSP technology. Water at CSP plants is required for the following tasks: cleaning of the collector solar field, cooling the power block condenser in the case of a water-cooled steam turbine and to make-up water in the steam cycle.
Objectives: The overall purpose of the SOLWATT project is to upscale, implement and demonstrate cost-effective technologies and strategies that bring about a significant reduction of water of CSP plants while ensuring excellent performance of electrical power generation. The SOLWATT approach proposed will tackle all segments of water consumption in a CSP plant by:
- 90 % for reduction of cleaning operations;
15 to 28 % for cooling of turbine condenser;
- 90 % for recovery and recycling of water;
Then, a total reduction of water consumption by:
- 35 % for a wet cooled CSP plant
- 90 % for a dry cooled CSP plant
Conversion of Low Grade Heat to Power through closed loop Reverse Electro-Dialysis
Duration: 2015 – 2019
Funding: European Commission, Horizon 2020 programme
Background: The concept is based on the generation of electricity from salinity gradient using Reverse Electrodialysis with artificial saline solutions operating in a closed-loop. The original salinity gradient is regenerated by a separation step that uses heat at 40 – 100°C.
Objectives: The overall objective is to prove this revolutionary concept, develop the necessary materials, components and know-how for bringing it to the level of a lab prototype generating electricity from low-grade heat at higher efficiencies and lower costs than ever achieved to date. The specific objective of CIEMAT-PSA is to select the most suitable technologies for the regeneration process and the combinations of salts and solvents that can maximise the system performance.
Control and energy management strategies in production environments with support of renewable energy
Duration: 2015 – 2017
Funding: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Plan Estatal. I+D+i 2013-2016 orientada a los retos de la sociedad.
Background: Due to increasing demand -for energy and water, most countries are promoting the efficient use of these resources to reduce costs and increase sustainability. Generally, energy efficiency is not only associated with technological improvements, but also with the improvement of control and energy management. This is the main framework of this research project ENERPRO, which is a natural evolution of a previous project, POWER, where both UAL and CIEMAT-PSA subprojects focused on heat/cooling and water management.
Objectives: The main objectives of the subproject are: (1) dynamic modeling of solar-gas hybrid desalination plants; (2) analysis of energy storage systems and auxiliary systems for energy cost reduction; (3) design of simplified models for control purposes; (4) development of MPC strategies for desalination plants; (5) coupling of solar desalination plants to supply water to greenhouses and buildings; and (6) testing of control algorithms both in simulation and in the real installations.
Zero Carbon Resorts towards Sustainable Development of the Tourism Sector in the Philippines and Thailand
Duration : 2009 – 2014
Funding: European Commission, SWITCH-Asia Programme
Background: This project builds upon the success and achievements of the ZCR in the Philippines for replication and upscaling. Regional approach will be implemented through ZCR intervention in Thailand and Green Certification in the Philippines, while increasing the access to green finance and improving policy exchanges on SCP in tourism in both countries.
Objectives: The overall objective of this project is to contribute to sustainable development of the tourism sector and its value chain in the Philippines and Thailand with a focus on reduction of resource consumption and CO2 emissions.
Enhanced Zero Discharge Seawater Desalination Using
Hybrid Solar Technology
Duration : 1.3.2002 – 28.02.2006
Funding: European Commission,
Contract Nr.: EVK1-CT2001-00102
Tecnología Híbrida de Desalinización
Avanzada Solar-Gas Basada en Colectores Solares Estáticos
Duration : 7.11.2001 – 6.11.2004
Funding: Spanish Ministry
of Education and Science
Contract Nr.: REN2000-0176-P4-04 |
Mechanical Power Generation Based on Solar Heat Engines
Duration: 1.1.2007 – 31.12.2009
Funding: European Commission,
FP6, priority B.1.5.
Contract Nr.: 032344 |
Seawater desalination by innovative solar-powered
membrane-distillation system
Duration: 1.10.2006 – 30.09.2009
Funding: European Commission,
FP6, priority B.1.6.3.
Contract Nr.: 036986 |
Desalación por ósmosis inversa mediante
energía solar térmica
Duration : 31.12.2005 – 30.12.2008
Funding: Spanish Ministry of Education and Science
Contract Nr.: ENE2005-08381-C03 |
Detoxification of Waters for their Recycling and Potabilisation
by Solar Photocatalysis in Semi-Arid Countries
Duration : 1.2.2003 – 31.01.2006
Funding: European Commission,
Contract Nr.: ICA3-CT-2002-10016 |