García-Segura, A., Fernández-García, A., Ariza, M.J., Sutter, F., Valenzuela, L. Durability studies of solar reflectors: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016), 453-467.
Serrano-Aguilera JJ, Valenzuela L, Fernández-Reche J. Inverse Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing Method (IMCRT) applied to line-focus reflectors. Solar Energy 124 (2016), 184-197.
Sutter, F., Meyen, S., Fernández-García, A., Heller, P. Spectral characterization of specular reflectance of solar mirrors. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 145 (2016), 248-254.
Wiesinger, F., Sutter, F., Fernández-García, A., Reinhold, J., Pitz-Paal, R. Sand erosion on solar reflectors: Accelerated simulation and comparison with field data. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 146 (2016), 303-313.
Valenzuela, L., Saynes, J., Moya, S.L. Análisis termo-hidraúlico de captadores solares cilindroparabólicos para generación directa de vapor con RELAP5. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua 7 (3) (2016), 75-91.
Biencinto, M., Gonzalez, L., Valenzuela, L. A quasi-dynamic simulation model for direct steam generation in parabolic troughs using TRNSYS. Applied Energy 161 (2016), 133-142.
García-Ortíz, Y., Yáñez-Mendiola, J., Valenzuela, L. Colectores cilindro parabólicos a partir de material de bajo costo (acero inoxidable) aplicado a un sistema híbrido de deshidratado. DYNA 91 (4) (2016), 0-10.
Bouaddi, S., Ihlal, A., Fernández-García, A. Soiled CSP solar reflectors modeling using dynamics linear models. Solar Energy 122 (2015), 847-863.
Feldhoff, J.F., Hirsch, T., Pitz-Paal, R., Valenzuela, L. Transient models and characteristics of once- through line focus systems. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 626-637. SolarPACES 2014.
Montecchi, M., Delord, C., Raccurt, O., Disdier, A., Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A. Fernández- García, A., Meyen, S., Happich, C., Heimsath, A., Platzer, W. Hemispherical reflectance results of the SolarPACES reflectance round robin. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 1904-1910. SolarPACES 2014.
Serrano-Aguilera, J.J., Valenzuela, L., Fernández-Reche, J. Inverse MCRT method for obtaining solar concentrators with quasi-planar flux distribution. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 208-217. SolarPACES 2014.
Sutter, F., Fernández-García, A., Heller, P., Anderson, G. Durability testing of silvered-glass mirrors. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 1568-1577. SolarPACES 2014.
Fernández-García, A., Rojas, E., Pérez, M., Silva, R., Hernández-Escobedo, Q., Manzano-Agugliaro, F. A parabolic-trough collector for cleaner industrial process heat. Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015), 272-285.
Aguilar-Gastelum, F., Moya, S.L., Cazarez-Candia, O., Valenzuela, L. Theoretical study of direct steam generation in two parallel pipes. Energy Procedia 57 (2014), 2265-2274. 2013 ISES Solar World Congress.
Muñoz-Anton, J., Biencinto, M., Zarza, E., Díez, L.E. Theoretical basis and experimental facility for parabolic trough collectors at high temperature using gas as heat transfer fluid. Applied Energy 135 (2014), 373-381.
Biencinto, M., González, L., Zarza, E., Díez, L.E., Muñoz-Antón, J. Performance model and annual yield comparison of parabolic-trough solar thermal power plants with either nitrogen or synthetic
oil as heat transfer fluid. Energy Conversion and Management 87 (2014), 238-249.
Serrano-Aguilera, J.J., Valenzuela, L., Parras, L. Thermal 3D model for Direct Solar Steam Generation under superheated conditions. Applied Energy 132 (2014), 370-382.
Fernández-García, A., Cantos-Soto, M.E., Röger, M., Wieckert, C., Hutter, C., Martínez-Arcos, L. Durability of solar reflector materials for secondary concentrators used in CSP systems. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 130 (2014), 51-63.
Valenzuela, L., López-Martín, R., Zarza, E. Optical and thermal performance of long parabolic- trough solar collectors from outdoor experiments: A test method and a case study. Energy 70 (2014), 456-464.
Feldhoff, J.F., Eickhoff, M., Keller, L., León-Alonso, J., Meyer-Grünefeldt, M., Valenzuela, L., Pernpeintner, J., Hirsch, T. Status and first results of the DUKE project – Component qualification of new receivers and collectors. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1766-1776. SolarPACES 2013.
Sutter, F., Fernandez-García, A., Wette, J., Heller, P. Comparison and Evaluation of Accelerated Aging Tests for Reflectors. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1718-1727. SolarPACES 2013.
Fernández-García, A., Díaz-Franco, R., Martinez, L., Wette, J. Study of the effect of acid atmospheres in solar reflectors durability under accelerated aging conditions. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1682-1691. SolarPACES 2013.
Eck, M., Hirsch, T., Feldhoff, J.F., Kretschmann, D., Dersch, J., Gavilan-Morales, A., Gonzalez- Martinez, L., Bachelier, C., Platzer, W., Riffelmannh, K.-J., Wagner, M. Guidelines for CSP yield analysis – optical losses of line focusing systems; definitions, sensitivity analysis and modeling approaches. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1318-1327. SolarPACES 2013.
León, J., Clavero, J., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., García, G. PTTL – A life-real size test loop for parabolic trough collectors. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 136-144. SolarPACES 2013.
Fernández-García, A., Álvarez-Rodrigo, L., Martínez-Arcos, L., Aguiar, R., Márquez-Payés, J.M. Study mof different cleaning methods for solar reflectors used in CSP plants. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 80-89. SolarPACES 2013.
Biencinto, M., Gonzalez, L., Valenzuela, L., Fernández, A. Design and simulation of a solar field coupled to a cork boiling plant. Energy Procedia 48 (2014), 1134-1143. SHC 2013.
Biencinto, M., Bayón, R., Rojas, E., González, L. Simulation and assessment of operation strategies for solar thermal power plants with a thermocline storage tank. Solar Energy 103 (2014), 456–472.
Silva, R., Pérez, M., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E. Uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis of the design of parabolic-trough direct steam generation plants for process heat applications. Applied Energy 121 (2014), 233-244.
Lobón, D.H., Valenzuela, L., Blagietto. E. Modeling the dynamics of the multiphase fluid in the parabolic-trough solar steam generating systems. Energy Conversion and Management 78 (2014), 393-404.
Hernández-Lobón, D., Blagietto, E., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E. Modeling direct steam generation in solar collectors with multiphase CFD. Applied Energy 113 (2014), 1338-1348.
Lobón, D.H., Valenzuela, L. Impact of pressure losses in small-sized parabolic-trough collectors for direct steam generation. Energy 61 (2013), 502-512.
Silva, R., Berenguel, M., Pérez, M., Fernández-García, A. Thermo-economic design optimization of parabolic trough solar plants for industrial process heat applications with memetic algorithms. Applied Energy 113 (2013), 603-614.
Cabrera, J.F., Fernández-García, A., Silva, R., Pérez-García, M. Use of parabolic-trough solar collectors for solar refrigeration and air-conditioning applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 10 (2013), 103-118.
Silva, R., Pérez, M., Fernández-García, A. Modelling and Co-Simulation of a Parabolic Trough Solar Plant for Industrial Process Heat. Applied Energy 106 (2013), 287-300.
Quirante, M., Valenzuela, L. Dimensioning a small-sized PTC solar field for heating and cooling of a hotel in Almería (Spain). Energy Procedia 30 (2012), 967-973. SHC 2012.
Valenzuela, L., Hernández-Lobón, D., Zarza, E. Sensitivity analysis of saturated steam production in parabolic trough collectors. Energy Procedia 30 (2012), 765-774. SHC 2012.
Fernández-Reche, J., Valenzuela, L. Geometrical assessment of solar concentrators using close- range photogrammetry. Energy Procedia 30 (2012), 84-90. SHC 2012.
San Vicente, G., Morales, A., Germán, N., Suarez, S., Sánchez, B. SiO2/TiO2 Antireflective Coatings With Photocatalytic Properties Prepared by Sol-Gel for Solar Glass Covers. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, vol 134, (2012) , 041011.
San Vicente, G., Bayón, R., Germán, N., Morales, A. Surface modification of porous antireflective coatings for solar glass covers. Solar Energy 85, 676–680, 2011.
Bayon, R., Rojas, E., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., León, J. Analysis of the experimental behaviour of a 100 kWth latent heat storage for direct steam generation in solar thermal power plants. Applied Thermal Engineering 30, 2643-2651, 2010.
Fernández-García, E. Zarza, L. Valenzuela, M. Pérez. Parabolic-trough solar collectors and their applications. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 14, 1695-1721, 2010.
Janotte, N., Lüpfert, E., Pitz-Paal, R., Pottler, K., Eck, M., Zarza, E., Riffelmann, K.-J. Influence of measurement equipment on the uncertainty of performance data from test loops for concentrating solar collectors. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering- Transactions of the ASME 132 (3), 2010.
Zarza, E. Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants and Projects in Spain. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 89 (4), 302-308, 2010.
San Vicente, G., Bayón, R., Germán, N., Morales, A. Long-term durability of sol–gel porous coatings for solar glass covers. Thin Solid Films 517 (10), 3157-3160, 2009.
Cirre, C.M., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L., Klempous, R. Reference governor optimization and control of a distributed solar collector field. European Journal of Operational Research 193 (3), 719- 727, 2009.
Maciejewski, H., Valenzuela, L., Berenguel, M., Fernández-Reche, J., Adamus, K., Jarnicki, M. Analyzing solar power plant performance through data mining. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering- Transactions of the ASME 130, 044503-1-044503-3, 2008.
San Vicente, G., Bayón, R., Morales, A. Effect of Additives on the Durability and Properties of Antireflective Films for Solar Glass Covers. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering- Transactions of the ASME 130, 011007-1-011007-4, 2008.
Bayon, R., San Vicente, G., Maffiotte, C., Morales, A. Characterization of copper–manganese-oxide thin films deposited by dip-coating. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 92 (10), 1211-1216, 2008.
Bayon, R., San Vicente, G., Maffiotte, C., Morales, A. Preparation of selective absorbers based on CuMn spinels by dip-coating method. Renewable Energy 33 (2), 348-353, 2008.
Cirre, C.M., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L., Camacho, E.F. Feedback linearization control for a distributed solar collector field. Control Engineering Practice 15(12), 1533-1544, 2007.
Eck, M., Rueda, F., Kronshage, S., Schilling, C., Trieb, F., Zarza, E. Solar Thermal Power Plants for the Spanish electricity market. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 5 (3), 261- 270, 2007.
Camacho, E.F., Rubio, F.R., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L. A survey on control schemes for distributed solar collector fields. Part II: Advanced control approaches. Solar Energy 81 (10), 1252- 1272, 2007.
Camacho, E.F., Rubio, F.R., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L. A survey on control schemes for distributed solar collector fields. Part I: Modeling and basic control approaches. Solar Energy 81 (10), 1240-1251, 2007.
R. Pitz-Paal, J. Dersch, B. Milow, F. Téllez, A. Fernere, U. Langnickel, A. Steinfeld, J. Karni, E. Zarza,
O. Popel. Development steps for parabolic trough solar power technologies with maximum impact on cost reduction. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME 129 (4), 371-377, 2007.
Zarza, E., Rojas, M.E., González, L., Caballero, J.M., Rueda, F. INDITEP: The first pre-commercial DSG solar power plant. Solar Energy 80, 1270-1276, 2006.
Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., Berenguel, M., Camacho, E.F. Control scheme for direct steam generation in parabolic troughs under recirculation operation mode. Solar Energy 80 (1), 1-17, 2006.
Rojas, M.E., de Andrés, M.C. A model of the azimuthal capillary effect due to internal porous pipe- coating in stratified two-phase flow. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 13 (4), 1-12, 2006.
Berenguel, M., Klempous, R., Maciejewski, H., Nikodem, J., Nikodem, M., Valenzuela, L. Explanatory Analysis of Data from a Distributed Solar Collector Field. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 3643/2005, 621-626, 2005.
Berenguel, M., Cirre, C.M., Klempous, R., Maciejewski, H., Nikodem, J., Rudas, I., Valenzuela, L. Hierarchical Control of a Distributed Solar Collector Field. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 3643/2005, 614-620, 2005.
Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., Berenguel, M., Camacho, E.F. Control concepts for direct steam generation process in parabolic troughs. Solar Energy 78 (2), 301-311, 2005.
M.E. Rojas, M.C. de Andrés. Theoretical and experimental study of two-phase flow in micro- channels grooved into horizontal pipes. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32, 517-526, 2005.
M. Lira-Cantú, A. Morales Sabio, A Brustenga and P. Gómez Romero. Electrochemical deposition of black nickel solar absorber coatings on stainless steel AISI316L for thermal solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 87, 685-694, 2005.
M.E. Rojas, M.C. de Andrés. A new methodology for experimental determination of liquid-gas interphase positions on a heated solid. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47(23), 5085-5093, 2004.
L. Valenzuela, E. Zarza, M. Berenguel, E. F. Camacho. Direct steam generation in solar boilers. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 24 (2), 15-29, 2004.
E. Zarza, L. Valenzuela, J. León, K. Hennecke, M. Eck, H.-D. Weyers, M. Eickhoff. Direct Steam generation in parabolic troughs: Final results and conclusions of the DISS project. Energy 29 (5-6), 635-644, 2004.
C. Martínez, L. Valenzuela, M. Berenguel, E.F. Camacho. Control de Plantas Solares con Generación Automática de Consignas. RIAI Revista Iberoamericana De Automática E Informática Industrial 1 (1), 50-56, 2004.
A. Morales, M. C. Bautista, D. Cáceres. Recubrimientos antirreflectantes de sílice sobre vidrio producidos por sol-gel. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 43, 455-456, 2004.
M. Eck, E. Zarza, M. Eickhoff, J. Rheiländer, L. Valenzuela. Applied Research concerning the Direct Steam Generation in Parabolic Troughs. Solar Energy 74 (4), 341-351, 2003.
M. C. Bautista and A. Morales. Silica antireflective films on glass produced by the sol–gel method. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 80, 217- 225, 2003.
E. Zarza, L. Valenzuela, J. Leon, D.-H Weyers, M. Eickhoff, M. Eck, K. Hennecke. The DISS Project: Direct Steam Generation in Parabolic Trough Systems. Operation & Maintenance Experience and Update on Project Status. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - transactions of the ASME 124 (2), 126-133, 2002.
H. Price, E. Lüpfert, D. Kearney, E. Zarza, G. Cohen, R. Gee, R. Mahoney. Advances in Parabolic Trough Solar Power Technology. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - transactions of the ASME 124 (2), 109-125, 2002.
G. San Vicente, A. Morales, M.T. Gutiérrez. Sol-gel TiO2 antireflective films for textured monocrystalline silicon solar cells. Thin Solid Films 403-404, 335- 338, 2002.
E. Lüpfert, M. Geyer, W. Schiel, A. Esteban, R. Osuna, E. Zarza, P. Nava, G. Brakman, E. Kotsaki. Eurotrough Collector Prototype under testing at PSA. Solar Thermal Power Plant and Solar Chemical Processes. Advances and Perspectives for International Collaboration, 34-41, 2001.
M.A. Martínez, C. Guillén, A. Morales, J. Herrero. Arrangement of flexible foil substrates for CuInSe2 –based solar cells. Surface and Coatings Technology 148, 61-64. 2001.
C. Guillén, M.A. Martínez, G. San Vicente, A. Morales, J. Herrero. Leveling effect of sol-gel SiO2 coatings onto metallic foil substrates. Surface and Coatings Technology 138, 205-210. 2001.
G. San Vicente, A. Morales, M.T. Gutiérrez. Preparation and characterization of sol-gel TiO2 antireflective coatings for silicon. Thin Solid Films 391 (1), 133-137 2001.
C. Guillén, A. Morales, J. Herrero. Performance of sol-gel SiO2 coatings onto glass/SnO2 superstrates. Surface and Coatings Technology 132, 31-35, 2000.