- García-Segura, A., Fernández-García, A., Ariza, M.J., Sutter, F., Valenzuela, L. Durability studies of solar reflectors: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 62 (2016), 453-467.
- Serrano-Aguilera JJ, Valenzuela L, Fernández-Reche J. Inverse Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing Method (IMCRT) applied to line-focus reflectors. Solar Energy 124 (2016), 184-197.
- Sutter, F., Meyen, S., Fernández-García, A., Heller, P. Spectral characterization of specular reflectance of solar mirrors. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 145 (2016), 248-254.
- Wiesinger, F., Sutter, F., Fernández-García, A., Reinhold, J., Pitz-Paal, R. Sand erosion on solar reflectors: Accelerated simulation and comparison with field data. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 146 (2016), 303-313.
- Valenzuela, L., Saynes, J., Moya, S.L. Análisis termo-hidraúlico de captadores solares cilindroparabólicos para generación directa de vapor con RELAP5. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua 7 (3) (2016), 75-91.
- Biencinto, M., Gonzalez, L., Valenzuela, L. A quasi-dynamic simulation model for direct steam generation in parabolic troughs using TRNSYS. Applied Energy 161 (2016), 133-142.
- García-Ortíz, Y., Yáñez-Mendiola, J., Valenzuela, L. Colectores cilindro parabólicos a partir de material de bajo costo (acero inoxidable) aplicado a un sistema híbrido de deshidratado. DYNA 91 (4) (2016), 0-10.
- Bouaddi, S., Ihlal, A., Fernández-García, A. Soiled CSP solar reflectors modeling using dynamics linear models. Solar Energy 122 (2015), 847-863.
- Feldhoff, J.F., Hirsch, T., Pitz-Paal, R., Valenzuela, L. Transient models and characteristics of once- through line focus systems. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 626-637. SolarPACES 2014.
- Montecchi, M., Delord, C., Raccurt, O., Disdier, A., Sallaberry, F., García de Jalón, A. Fernández- García, A., Meyen, S., Happich, C., Heimsath, A., Platzer, W. Hemispherical reflectance results of the SolarPACES reflectance round robin. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 1904-1910. SolarPACES 2014.
- Serrano-Aguilera, J.J., Valenzuela, L., Fernández-Reche, J. Inverse MCRT method for obtaining solar concentrators with quasi-planar flux distribution. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 208-217. SolarPACES 2014.
- Sutter, F., Fernández-García, A., Heller, P., Anderson, G. Durability testing of silvered-glass mirrors. Energy Procedia 69 (2015), 1568-1577. SolarPACES 2014.
- Fernández-García, A., Rojas, E., Pérez, M., Silva, R., Hernández-Escobedo, Q., Manzano-Agugliaro, F. A parabolic-trough collector for cleaner industrial process heat. Journal of Cleaner Production 89 (2015), 272-285.
- Aguilar-Gastelum, F., Moya, S.L., Cazarez-Candia, O., Valenzuela, L. Theoretical study of direct steam generation in two parallel pipes. Energy Procedia 57 (2014), 2265-2274. 2013 ISES Solar World Congress.
- Muñoz-Anton, J., Biencinto, M., Zarza, E., Díez, L.E. Theoretical basis and experimental facility for parabolic trough collectors at high temperature using gas as heat transfer fluid. Applied Energy 135 (2014), 373-381.
- Biencinto, M., González, L., Zarza, E., Díez, L.E., Muñoz-Antón, J. Performance model and annual yield comparison of parabolic-trough solar thermal power plants with either nitrogen or synthetic oil as heat transfer fluid. Energy Conversion and Management 87 (2014), 238-249.
- Serrano-Aguilera, J.J., Valenzuela, L., Parras, L. Thermal 3D model for Direct Solar Steam Generation under superheated conditions. Applied Energy 132 (2014), 370-382.
- Fernández-García, A., Cantos-Soto, M.E., Röger, M., Wieckert, C., Hutter, C., Martínez-Arcos, L. Durability of solar reflector materials for secondary concentrators used in CSP systems. Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 130 (2014), 51-63.
- Valenzuela, L., López-Martín, R., Zarza, E. Optical and thermal performance of long parabolic- trough solar collectors from outdoor experiments: A test method and a case study. Energy 70 (2014), 456-464.
- Feldhoff, J.F., Eickhoff, M., Keller, L., León-Alonso, J., Meyer-Grünefeldt, M., Valenzuela, L., Pernpeintner, J., Hirsch, T. Status and first results of the DUKE project – Component qualification of new receivers and collectors. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1766-1776. SolarPACES 2013.
- Sutter, F., Fernandez-García, A., Wette, J., Heller, P. Comparison and Evaluation of Accelerated Aging Tests for Reflectors. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1718-1727. SolarPACES 2013.
- Fernández-García, A., Díaz-Franco, R., Martinez, L., Wette, J. Study of the effect of acid atmospheres in solar reflectors durability under accelerated aging conditions. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1682-1691. SolarPACES 2013.
- Eck, M., Hirsch, T., Feldhoff, J.F., Kretschmann, D., Dersch, J., Gavilan-Morales, A., Gonzalez- Martinez, L., Bachelier, C., Platzer, W., Riffelmannh, K.-J., Wagner, M. Guidelines for CSP yield analysis – optical losses of line focusing systems; definitions, sensitivity analysis and modeling approaches. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 1318-1327. SolarPACES 2013.
- León, J., Clavero, J., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., García, G. PTTL – A life-real size test loop for parabolic trough collectors. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 136-144. SolarPACES 2013.
- Fernández-García, A., Álvarez-Rodrigo, L., Martínez-Arcos, L., Aguiar, R., Márquez-Payés, J.M. Study mof different cleaning methods for solar reflectors used in CSP plants. Energy Procedia 49 (2014), 80-89. SolarPACES 2013.
- Biencinto, M., Gonzalez, L., Valenzuela, L., Fernández, A. Design and simulation of a solar field coupled to a cork boiling plant. Energy Procedia 48 (2014), 1134-1143. SHC 2013.
- Biencinto, M., Bayón, R., Rojas, E., González, L. Simulation and assessment of operation strategies for solar thermal power plants with a thermocline storage tank. Solar Energy 103 (2014), 456–472.
- Silva, R., Pérez, M., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E. Uncertainty and global sensitivity analysis of the design of parabolic-trough direct steam generation plants for process heat applications. Applied Energy 121 (2014), 233-244.
- Lobón, D.H., Valenzuela, L., Blagietto. E. Modeling the dynamics of the multiphase fluid in the parabolic-trough solar steam generating systems. Energy Conversion and Management 78 (2014), 393-404.
- Hernández-Lobón, D., Blagietto, E., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E. Modeling direct steam generation in solar collectors with multiphase CFD. Applied Energy 113 (2014), 1338-1348.
- Lobón, D.H., Valenzuela, L. Impact of pressure losses in small-sized parabolic-trough collectors for direct steam generation. Energy 61 (2013), 502-512.
- Silva, R., Berenguel, M., Pérez, M., Fernández-García, A. Thermo-economic design optimization of parabolic trough solar plants for industrial process heat applications with memetic algorithms. Applied Energy 113 (2013), 603-614.
- Roldan, M.I., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E. Thermal analysis of solar receiver pipes with superheated steam. Applied Energy 103 (2013), 73-84.
- Cabrera, J.F., Fernández-García, A., Silva, R., Pérez-García, M. Use of parabolic-trough solar collectors for solar refrigeration and air-conditioning applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 10 (2013), 103-118.
- Silva, R., Pérez, M., Fernández-García, A. Modelling and Co-Simulation of a Parabolic Trough Solar Plant for Industrial Process Heat. Applied Energy 106 (2013), 287-300.
- Quirante, M., Valenzuela, L. Dimensioning a small-sized PTC solar field for heating and cooling of a hotel in Almería (Spain). Energy Procedia 30 (2012), 967-973. SHC 2012.
- Valenzuela, L., Hernández-Lobón, D., Zarza, E. Sensitivity analysis of saturated steam production in parabolic trough collectors. Energy Procedia 30 (2012), 765-774. SHC 2012.
- Fernández-Reche, J., Valenzuela, L. Geometrical assessment of solar concentrators using close- range photogrammetry. Energy Procedia 30 (2012), 84-90. SHC 2012.
- San Vicente, G., Morales, A., Germán, N., Suarez, S., Sánchez, B. SiO2/TiO2 Antireflective Coatings With Photocatalytic Properties Prepared by Sol-Gel for Solar Glass Covers. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, vol 134, (2012) , 041011.
- San Vicente, G., Bayón, R., Germán, N., Morales, A. Surface modification of porous antireflective coatings for solar glass covers. Solar Energy 85, 676–680, 2011.
- Bayon, R., Rojas, E., Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., León, J. Analysis of the experimental behaviour of a 100 kWth latent heat storage for direct steam generation in solar thermal power plants. Applied Thermal Engineering 30, 2643-2651, 2010.
- Fernández-García, E. Zarza, L. Valenzuela, M. Pérez. Parabolic-trough solar collectors and their applications. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 14, 1695-1721, 2010.
- Janotte, N., Lüpfert, E., Pitz-Paal, R., Pottler, K., Eck, M., Zarza, E., Riffelmann, K.-J. Influence of measurement equipment on the uncertainty of performance data from test loops for concentrating solar collectors. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering- Transactions of the ASME 132 (3), 2010.
- Zarza, E. Concentrating Solar Thermal Power Plants and Projects in Spain. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy 89 (4), 302-308, 2010.
- San Vicente, G., Bayón, R., Germán, N., Morales, A. Long-term durability of sol–gel porous coatings for solar glass covers. Thin Solid Films 517 (10), 3157-3160, 2009.
- Cirre, C.M., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L., Klempous, R. Reference governor optimization and control of a distributed solar collector field. European Journal of Operational Research 193 (3), 719- 727, 2009.
- Maciejewski, H., Valenzuela, L., Berenguel, M., Fernández-Reche, J., Adamus, K., Jarnicki, M. Analyzing solar power plant performance through data mining. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering- Transactions of the ASME 130, 044503-1-044503-3, 2008.
- San Vicente, G., Bayón, R., Morales, A. Effect of Additives on the Durability and Properties of Antireflective Films for Solar Glass Covers. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering- Transactions of the ASME 130, 011007-1-011007-4, 2008.
- Bayon, R., San Vicente, G., Maffiotte, C., Morales, A. Characterization of copper–manganese-oxide thin films deposited by dip-coating. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 92 (10), 1211-1216, 2008.
- Bayon, R., San Vicente, G., Maffiotte, C., Morales, A. Preparation of selective absorbers based on CuMn spinels by dip-coating method. Renewable Energy 33 (2), 348-353, 2008.
- Cirre, C.M., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L., Camacho, E.F. Feedback linearization control for a distributed solar collector field. Control Engineering Practice 15(12), 1533-1544, 2007.
- Eck, M., Rueda, F., Kronshage, S., Schilling, C., Trieb, F., Zarza, E. Solar Thermal Power Plants for the Spanish electricity market. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 5 (3), 261- 270, 2007.
- Camacho, E.F., Rubio, F.R., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L. A survey on control schemes for distributed solar collector fields. Part II: Advanced control approaches. Solar Energy 81 (10), 1252- 1272, 2007.
- Camacho, E.F., Rubio, F.R., Berenguel, M., Valenzuela, L. A survey on control schemes for distributed solar collector fields. Part I: Modeling and basic control approaches. Solar Energy 81 (10), 1240-1251, 2007.
- R. Pitz-Paal, J. Dersch, B. Milow, F. Téllez, A. Fernere, U. Langnickel, A. Steinfeld, J. Karni, E. Zarza, O. Popel. Development steps for parabolic trough solar power technologies with maximum impact on cost reduction. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - Transactions of the ASME 129 (4), 371-377, 2007.
- Eck, M., Zarza, E. Saturated Steam Process with Direct Steam Generating Parabolic Troughs. Solar Energy 80, 1424-1433, 2006.
- Zarza, E., Rojas, M.E., González, L., Caballero, J.M., Rueda, F. INDITEP: The first pre-commercial DSG solar power plant. Solar Energy 80, 1270-1276, 2006.
- Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., Berenguel, M., Camacho, E.F. Control scheme for direct steam generation in parabolic troughs under recirculation operation mode. Solar Energy 80 (1), 1-17, 2006.
- Rojas, M.E., de Andrés, M.C. A model of the azimuthal capillary effect due to internal porous pipe- coating in stratified two-phase flow. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer 13 (4), 1-12, 2006.
- Berenguel, M., Klempous, R., Maciejewski, H., Nikodem, J., Nikodem, M., Valenzuela, L. Explanatory Analysis of Data from a Distributed Solar Collector Field. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 3643/2005, 621-626, 2005.
- Berenguel, M., Cirre, C.M., Klempous, R., Maciejewski, H., Nikodem, J., Rudas, I., Valenzuela, L. Hierarchical Control of a Distributed Solar Collector Field. Lecture Notes In Computer Science 3643/2005, 614-620, 2005.
- Valenzuela, L., Zarza, E., Berenguel, M., Camacho, E.F. Control concepts for direct steam generation process in parabolic troughs. Solar Energy 78 (2), 301-311, 2005.
- M.E. Rojas, M.C. de Andrés. Theoretical and experimental study of two-phase flow in micro- channels grooved into horizontal pipes. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 32, 517-526, 2005.
- M. Lira-Cantú, A. Morales Sabio, A Brustenga and P. Gómez Romero. Electrochemical deposition of black nickel solar absorber coatings on stainless steel AISI316L for thermal solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 87, 685-694, 2005.
- M.E. Rojas, M.C. de Andrés. A new methodology for experimental determination of liquid-gas interphase positions on a heated solid. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 47(23), 5085-5093, 2004.
- L. Valenzuela, E. Zarza, M. Berenguel, E. F. Camacho. Direct steam generation in solar boilers. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 24 (2), 15-29, 2004.
- E. Zarza, L. Valenzuela, J. León, K. Hennecke, M. Eck, H.-D. Weyers, M. Eickhoff. Direct Steam generation in parabolic troughs: Final results and conclusions of the DISS project. Energy 29 (5-6), 635-644, 2004.
- C. Martínez, L. Valenzuela, M. Berenguel, E.F. Camacho. Control de Plantas Solares con Generación Automática de Consignas. RIAI Revista Iberoamericana De Automática E Informática Industrial 1 (1), 50-56, 2004.
- A. Morales, M. C. Bautista, D. Cáceres. Recubrimientos antirreflectantes de sílice sobre vidrio producidos por sol-gel. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 43, 455-456, 2004.
- M. Eck, E. Zarza, M. Eickhoff, J. Rheiländer, L. Valenzuela. Applied Research concerning the Direct Steam Generation in Parabolic Troughs. Solar Energy 74 (4), 341-351, 2003.
- M. C. Bautista and A. Morales. Silica antireflective films on glass produced by the sol–gel method. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 80, 217- 225, 2003.
- E. Zarza, L. Valenzuela, J. Leon, D.-H Weyers, M. Eickhoff, M. Eck, K. Hennecke. The DISS Project: Direct Steam Generation in Parabolic Trough Systems. Operation & Maintenance Experience and Update on Project Status. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - transactions of the ASME 124 (2), 126-133, 2002.
- H. Price, E. Lüpfert, D. Kearney, E. Zarza, G. Cohen, R. Gee, R. Mahoney. Advances in Parabolic Trough Solar Power Technology. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering - transactions of the ASME 124 (2), 109-125, 2002.
- G. San Vicente, A. Morales, M.T. Gutiérrez. Sol-gel TiO2 antireflective films for textured monocrystalline silicon solar cells. Thin Solid Films 403-404, 335- 338, 2002.
- E. Lüpfert, M. Geyer, W. Schiel, A. Esteban, R. Osuna, E. Zarza, P. Nava, G. Brakman, E. Kotsaki. Eurotrough Collector Prototype under testing at PSA. Solar Thermal Power Plant and Solar Chemical Processes. Advances and Perspectives for International Collaboration, 34-41, 2001.
- M.A. Martínez, C. Guillén, A. Morales, J. Herrero. Arrangement of flexible foil substrates for CuInSe2 –based solar cells. Surface and Coatings Technology 148, 61-64. 2001.
- C. Guillén, M.A. Martínez, G. San Vicente, A. Morales, J. Herrero. Leveling effect of sol-gel SiO2 coatings onto metallic foil substrates. Surface and Coatings Technology 138, 205-210. 2001.
- G. San Vicente, A. Morales, M.T. Gutiérrez. Preparation and characterization of sol-gel TiO2 antireflective coatings for silicon. Thin Solid Films 391 (1), 133-137 2001.
- C. Guillén, A. Morales, J. Herrero. Performance of sol-gel SiO2 coatings onto glass/SnO2 superstrates. Surface and Coatings Technology 132, 31-35, 2000.